I modi possibili per ricordare le prime N cifre di pi greco sono praticamente illimitati: ecco alcuni di quelli più noti. Come vedete, spesso ricordano Archimede di Siracusa (287-212 a.C.), il primo a spingere il calcolo oltre i primi due decimali, costruendo i poligoni regolari fino a quello di 96 lati.
Now I even I Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling |
Circle Digits: A Self-Referential Storyby Michael KeithIn questa ingegnosissima storiella mnemonica, i segni di punteggiatura rappresentano degli zeri, mentre le parole di oltre 9 lettere rappresentano due cifre: per esempio, una parola di 12 cifre sta per le due cifre successive 1 e 2. Tanto di cappello al suo inventore, ma anche a chi riesce a ricordare a memoria tutta la tirata!!!
a time I stood pondering on circle sizes. The large computer mainframe quietly processed all of its assembly code. Inside my entire hope lay for figuring out an elusive expansion. Value: pi. Decimals expected soon. I nervously entered a format procedure. The mainframe processed the request. Error. I, again entering it, carefully retyped. This iteration gave zero error printouts in all-success. Intently I waited. Soon, roused by thoughts within me, appeared narrative mnemonics relating digits to verbiage! The idea appeared to exist but only in abbreviated fashion-little phrases typically. Pressing on I then resolved, deciding firmly about a sum of decimals to use-likely around four hundred, presuming the computer code soon halted! Pondering these ideas, words appealed to me. But a problem of zeros did exist. Pondering more, solution subsequently appeared. Zero suggests a punctuation element. Very novel! My thoughts were culminated. No periods, I concluded. All residual marks of punctuation = zeros. First digit expansion answer then came before me. On examining some problems unhappily arose. That imbecilic bug! The printout I possessed showed four nine as foremost decimals. Manifestly troubling. Totally every number looked wrong. Repairing the bug took much effort. A pi mnemonic with letters truly seemed good. Counting of all the letters probably should suffice. Reaching for a record would be helpful. Consequently, I continued, expecting a good final answer from computer. First number slowly displayed on the flat screen-3. Good. Trailing digits appar- ently were right also. Now my memory scheme must probably be implementable. The technique was chosen, elegant in scheme: by self reference a tale mnemonically helpful was ensured. An able title suddenly existed-"Circle Digits." Taking pen I began. Words emanated uneasily. I desired more synonyms. Speedily I found my (alongside me) Thesaurus. Rogets is probably an essential in doing this, instantly I decided. I wrote and erased more. The Rogets clearly assisted immensely. My story proceeded (how lovely!) faultlessly. The end, above all, would soon joyfully overtake. So, this memory helper story is incon- testably complete. soon I will locate publisher. There a narrative will I trust immediately appear, producing fame. The end. Near a Raven di E. Poe Comincia da Poe, e tieni conto che anche qui una parola di 14 lettere sta per le cifre successive 1 e 4. Ingegnoso, eh? Poe, E. Near a Raven Midnights so dreary, tired and weary. Perfectly, the intellect remembers: the ghostly fires, a glittering
ember. Ominously, curtains parted (my serenity outsmarted), Taking little time, briskly addressing something: "Sir," (robustly)
While surrounded by darkness then, I persevered to clearly
comprehend. Silently, I reinforced, remaining anxious, quite scared, afraid,
Completely disturbed, I said, "Utter, please, what prevails ahead.
Bemused by raven's dissonance, my soul exclaimed, "I seek
intelligence; My sentiments extremely pained, to perceive an utterance so plain,
Still, the detestable raven just remained, unmoving, on sculptured
bust. The raven's dirge induced alarm - "nevermore" quite wearisome.
Seizing just that moment to sit - closely, carefully, advancing
beside it, "Disentangle, nefarious bird! Disengage - I am disturbed!"
Since, to me, that thought was madness, I renounced continuing
sadness. " 'Tis a prophet? Wraith? Strange devil? Or the ultimate evil?"
In answer, the raven turned - relentless distress it spurned.
"O, satanic inferno's denizen -- go!", I said boldly, standing
then. So he sitteth, observing always, perching ominously on these
doorways. Vediamo ora un esempio in francese, fornitomi gentilmente dalla dottoressa Elena Cristina Bolla:
« Que j'aime à faire apprendre un nombre utile aux sages! Immortel Archimède sublime ingénieur... » (fornisce facilmente 3,14159265358979) |